Research centers and groups


To achieve academic excellence, the program aims to qualify professionals not only able to understand History, but rather produce it. Thus, since the implementation of the graduate program, research centers and groups have emerged, seeking to train our students to work in teaching and research and in the various interfaces betweenboth. The post-graduation research centers and groups also count an unprivileged infrastructure: we dispose of a historical archive in the building (ICHS), associated journals, a large library, and the privilege of being in a city that is a world reference in historical heritage.


Some research centers and groups connected to the Graduate Program in History are:





Grupo de Estudos de História das Américas - GEHA (Study group on the History of the Americas):

TheGEHAis dedicated to the study of the History of the continent, its relations with Europe, Africa and Asia, as well as its continental interrelations. The group is formed by professors and students from UFOP, UFMT, UFJF, UFRRJ, Unicamp, Unisinos and IFSP. The main objectives of GEHA are to: discuss research, promote updating, exchange experiences and discuss issues related to the research and teaching of History of America. The covered topics are broad, in order to express the diversity of interests that currently guide the area, covering from the conquest and colonization to the most recent events. Themes from various historical fields, such as politics, society, culture, and economics are treated, as well as themes related to the Gender History, travel, film, historiography and international relations.


Grupo de Pesquisa Justiça, Administração e Luta Social - JALS (Research group on Justice, Administration and Social Struggle):

The JALS Group aims to discuss the various dimensions of power, especially the intersections among notions of justice, administrative dynamics and social struggles in various historical processes. Thus, since its creation in 2009, the group has held debates and events bringing together a significant number of researchers, and its reflections have stimulated the publication of several articles and books on the topics discussed. The group is composed of professors and students from UFOP and other institutions.


Grupo de História, Ética e Política - GHEP (Group on History, Ethics and Politics):

The GHEP was established in 2016 and is dedicated to discussing issues in the field of History with ethical-political perspectives. Its scope and interests are historiography, teaching of History, theory of history, philosophy and social sciences.

GHEP iscoordinatedbyprofessors Marcelo de Mello Rangel, André de Lemos Freixo and Luciano Magela Roza.



Laboratório de Ensino de História - LEHIS (Laboratory for the teaching of History):

The LEHIS carries out activities aiming to promote improvements in the teaching-learning of History, valuelicences and encourage a greater dialogue between the university and the basic school. It develops research and studies about multiple approaches in the teaching of History area; it also promotes meetings, debates, lecturesand courses, constituting a space for interaction and dialogue among undergraduates, teachers, researchers and the school community. 

LEHIS iscoordinatedbyprofessors Luciano Magela Roza, Marcelo de Mello Rangel and Marcelo Santos de Abreu.



Laboratório de Estudos Medievais - LEME(Laboratoryof Medieval Studies):

LEME was created in May 2005, from a research center at USP and another one at UNICAMP. Today, LEME has centers in seven other universities in the Southeast, Center-West and South of Brazil: UFMG, UFG, UNIFESP, UFTM, UFFS, UFVJM and UFOP. The main goal of LEME is to bring together researchers in the field of Medieval History in Brazil and abroad, in order to develop research networks. In addition, it intends to contribute to the technical and intellectual improvement of specialists in Medieval History. LEME also participates as one of the founding institutions of the Rede Latino-Americana de EstudosMedievais (Latin American Network of Medieval Studies), which brings together medievalists from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Costa Rica.

LEME is coordinated by Professor Bruno Tedeu Sallles.




Laboratório de Estudossobre o Império Romano - LEIR(Laboratory for the Study of the Roman Empire):

LEIR is integrated in a network distributed in the five regions of Brazil through LEIR - nacional. Its research focuses on the period of the Julius-Claudius principality (31 B.C. to 68 A.D.), but the interest extends to Antiquity as a whole. The research group integrates researchers connected to the departments of History and Literature of UFOP. LEIR-UFOP has held regular colloquia and also promotes academic exchange activities through its study cycles. In addition, its researchers participate in the ANPUH, especially in the GT de HistóriaAntiga, (Ancient History Group), and in the SBEC. Concerning the formation of human resources, LEIR has propitiated both the formation of researchers through scientific initiation and post-graduate studies. The group has also published regularly and is responsible for Sapere Aude, a podcast of scientific dissemination.

The LEIR-UFOP is led by professors Fábio Faversani and Fábio Duarte Joly.




Laboratório de Pesquisa, Ensino e ExtensãoemHistória - LPH (Laboratory of Research, Teaching and Extension in History):

The LPH was created as a space to subsidize the research, teaching and extension activities of the professors of the DEHIS of UFOP. Its performance led to the creation in 1990 of LPH - Revista de História (History Review), whose publication lasted until 2010. In 1994, it became the depository of the set of documents that make up the Historical Archive of the City Council of Mariana, which since then has integrated the project of making the LPH a learning space that includes, in addition to documentary research, archival learning, involving the organization, preservation and availability of the collection – and the educational research – that subsidizes heritage education and extension activities. In addition, the LPH also houses other documentary collections, such as the Arquivo São Caetano and the JornalArquidiocesano.


Núcleo de EstudosemHistória da Historiografia e Modernidade - NEHM(Center for Studies in the History of Historiography and Modernity – NEHM):

The NEHM was created in 2006 and gathers professors and students from different areas and with different research interests focusing on modernity, historiography, and theory, as well as its transformations and implications in the experience and writing of History.

The NEHM is coordinated by Prof. Marcelo de Mello Rangel.


Núcleo Impérios e Lugares no Brasil - ILB (GroupEmpiresandPlaces in Brazil):

The ILB is dedicated to the study of power relations in the various spheres of the social field and the spaces that institute them. It conceives society as ambiguous, fragmented and devoid of definitive and coherent systems of norms, open to change and transformation. Thus, they also institute spaces fundamentally characterized by conflict and consequently in permanent positioning amidst power relations. Such instability resizes and repositions the meanings of center/periphery, as well as the diverse features assumed by the notion of empire and the processes of creation of horizontal and vertical identities in a slave society between the mid-18th and the end of the 19th centuries. Special attention is given to the disputes among different groups around divergent, if not antagonistic, political projects in the process of building the Brazilian National State.

The ILB is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Cláudia Maria das Graças Chaves.


Historik (HK) - Grupo de Estudos em Historiografia Alemã (StudyGroup in German Historiography):

Created in the year 2019, HK aims at discussing topics related to German theory and historiography from the mid-18th century to contemporary times. The initiative came from students who had a common interest in the German historical and philosophical universe. Since it is a plural group, which involves undergraduates, postgraduates and graduates, the group opted for a digital format, which enables the participation and exchange of ideas among students from different areas of the country. Meetings occur every two weeks and address classical themes, such as the philosophies of History, Intellectual History, and the History of Ideas, always seeking to contribute in some way to discussions about contemporary History writing.

Research projects
The research projects developed by faculty and students of the Graduate Program in History are based on the Institutional Pedagogical Project (PPI) of UFOP. Such projects aim to confer the inseparability among research, teaching and extension, in order to offer our students a complete training, in which there is interdisciplinarity and provision of criticality of knowledge as well as the articulation between the various areas of historical knowledge, and of educational actions.
The significant abundance of historical sources available for the construction of historical knowledge has served as an impulse for the design of such projects, where this contact with historical sources, in its broadest sense, has conferred identity to our Graduate Program and has given rise to several research projects, substantiated in the considerable academic productions and performances of our students and professors.
To have access to the Program’s research projects that are in progress, click here.